sábado, 10 de agosto de 2024

Hear the call

Do you hear the call? 
This is the call
That crosses the centuries

I heard it on the mountain
I heard it on the sea
I heard it in the valley
I heard it on the river

A head burns
On the top of the hill
The fisherman dropped his net
The preacher was quiet

The pubs were empty
The market closed early
The police station closed its doors
The court stopped judging

The thief dropped his loot
The policeman stopped chasing him
The priest stopped praying
Christ came down from the cross

Kings and queens came
Duke, count and baron came
The paladin dropped his spear
The page dropped his shield

Come all and see
He came from the depths of the forest
Along with his court of witches
To bring peace, harmony and joy
Also abundance and prosperity

The fields will have a good harvest
The flocks will have many young
The couples will have many children

There lies the foundation of the throne
There lies the reason for the crown
There lies the greatness of kingdom

In the oak forest
Let us praise the Sabbath Master
Let us praise the Man in Black
Let us praise the Deer God

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